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Former APC NUSS President Declared Wanted

The head of the Sierra Leone Police, Mr. William Fayia Sellu has issued a press statement declaring the former APC Nation Union of Sierra Students (NUSS)  President, Emmanuel J Turay wanted on allegation of incitement of the youths to protest against the ruling SLPP government on August 10 2022.

This is not the first time that the former APC Nation Union of Students President has been targeted by members of the ruling SLPP party. After the skirmishes between the youths and security forces in Makeni that claimed the lives of over ten (10) prominent APC youths, the ruling SLPP Resident Minister Abu-Abu together with security personnel were seen openly intimidating prominent APC youths like Emmanuel J Turay that they considered very vocal in condemning the act of the ruling SLPP government in depriving the opposition APC stronghold of electricity supply. 

According to the younger sister of Emmanuel J Turay, explained that the SLPP Resident Minister of the Northern Province together with some armed military personnel and identified thugs of the ruling SLPP stormed their resident and threatened to burn their house if they fail to hand over the former APC Nation Union of Sierra Students President.

“We were nearly beaten to death but my brother managed to escape the scene and ran to Freetown the Capital City of Freetown,” she lamented, adding that, the Resident Minister Abu-Abu ordered the thugs to burn their house. She continued by stating that since then they became homeless and they are finding it extremely difficult to survive.

After the August 10 protest, the former APC Nation Union of Sierra Students President, Emmnuel J Turay was declared wanted on allegation of incitement and other felonious offenses.

In an exclusive interview with the national spokesman of the main opposition APC party, Siddie Yayah Tunis described the wanted notice of the former APC Nation Union of Sierra Students  President, Emmanuel J Turay as a calculated ploy to silence dissenting views especially members of the main opposition APC party from exposing the human rights violations of the ruling SLPP party. He further accused the security forces of displaying partisan interest in clamping members of the opposition APC party. He continued by stating that the former APC Nation Union of Sierra Students President, Emmanuel J Turay is a patriot that believes in speaking for the masses and in the process he was targeted by thugs and the Resident Minister of the Northern Province for peacefully protesting against the unlawful transfer and deprivation of the people in the Northern Province of their electricity supply. As that is not enough, Mr. Tunis added that, the head of the police based on orders from above, also declared him wanted.

“ The causalities committed by operatives of the ruling SLPP government against our supporters and members of the main opposition APC party is incalculable,” he said, adding by calling on the International Community to intervene and save their members from the constant mistreatment and inhuman acts of operatives of the ruling SLPP government.

However, the spokesman of the Sierra Leone Police denied all the claims made by the Mr. Tunis and described it as a “political speech”. He added that, they will do within their powers to go after the former Nation Union of Sierra Students President Emmanuel J Turay and make him pay dearly for the allegation against him.

Similarly, the National Spokesman of the ruling SLPP party, Lahai Lawrence Leema threatened that any attempt by any group or groups of individuals to protest against their government will not be treated lightly.

 He added that, they have instructed the security forces to clamp down heavily on anyone that is seen protesting in the street of Freetown. He also confirmed that they are still in search of Emmanuel J Turay who is the former Nation Union of Sierra Students President of the main opposition APC party.



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