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HomeLocal NewsPolice, Lands Ministry Conduct 'Land Grabbing' Raids

Police, Lands Ministry Conduct ‘Land Grabbing’ Raids

The Ministry of Lands Housing and Country Planning and the Sierra Leone Police have successfully conducted raids that left several suspected land grabbers arrested and detained.

The raids along the Freetown Peninsula on Saturday February 5 2022 were led by the Minister of Lands, Dr. Turad Senesie and the Inspector General of Police, Ambrose Sovula, accompanied by operational police personnel and senior staff of the Ministry.

The Headman of York is among those arrested and being investigated for various crimes including illegal sale of State Land.

The suspects are expected to be charged to court for crimes including trespass, deforestation, destruction of growing plants, obtaining money by false pretense, riotous conduct, building without permits, illegal sale of land, among others.

The police is also investigating the Headman of No.2 River for alleged connivance with one Martin Macauley to sell State Land.

The team also visited and inspected land clearing for Service Plots – an exercise being undertaken by the Ministry.

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