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HomeBIDConstruction of Administrative and Commercial Buildings at Wilkinson Road, Freetown

Construction of Administrative and Commercial Buildings at Wilkinson Road, Freetown

Invitation for Bids

National Revenue Authority

    Construction of Administrative and Commercial Buildings at Wilkinson Road, Freetown

Procurement Number: NRA/ADMIN/ICB/CW/2021/156

Date of First Issue: 27th October2021

The National Revenue Authority has allocated funds towards cost for Infrastructure Development Projects and it is intended that part of this fund will be used for the Construction of Administrative and Commercial Buildings at Wilkinson Road, Freetown and now invitessealed bids from eligible Bidders for same.

Brief Description of works

  No.  Description  Bid Security Le  Delivery Schedule
        1  CONSTRUCTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ANDCOMMERCIAL BUILDINGS AT WILKINSON ROAD, FREETOWN    SSL5,000,000,000 (Five Billion Leones) or its equivalent in easily convertible currency for international Bidders       24 Months

Partial Quotations will be considered non-Responsive.

Bidding is open to all interested Building Contractors who are registered with the Ministry of Works and Technical Maintenance with Premier Class or its equivalent for international bidders.

Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents from Mondays to Fridays at the Procurement Unit, National Revenue Authority, 4th Floor, at 18 Wellington Street, Freetown from 9.00am to 4:00pm – on Mondays to Fridays inclusive except on public holidays.

A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Le 10,000,000.00 (Ten Million Leones). Payment should be by cash into the following National Public Procurement Accounts with details as shown:

With the pay-in slip submitted to the NRA Procurement Unit, 4Th Floor,

18 Wellington Street, Freetown.

Soft copy of the bidding document will also be available to bidders upon request for processing, but submission MUST be in hard copy as stated in the Bid Data Sheet.

Bank Name:                Bank of Sierra Leone

Account Name:           NPPA-Revenue from sale of Bidding Documents

Account Number:        0111003981

BBAN:                         000001011100398165

Bank Name:                Union Trust Bank

Account Name:           Revenue from sale of Bidding Sub Treasury

Account No;                210113253-01

BBAN No;       00-4001113253120144

 Bank Name:               Sierra Leone Commercial Bank

Account Name Revenue from Sale of Bidding Sub Treasury

Account No:                003001081791112183

Bank Name:                Rokel Commercial Bank

Account Name:           Revenue from Sale of Bidding Sub Treasury

Account No;                02-011012428

BBAN:                         002001002101242863

Sealed Bids must be marked on the outer envelope “Construction of NRA’s Administrative and Commercial Buildings at Wilkinson Road” delivered to the office below on or before 11am on Wednesday, 24th November 2021 and the bid submitted by the bidder shall comprise the following: –

  • A bid Security ofFive Billion Leones (Le5,000,000,000.00) or its Equivalentwhich must be in the form of a valid Bank Guarantee from a reputable bank recognized by the Central Bank of Sierra Leone. Any bid security submitted by a foreign bank, MUST be endorsed by a correspondent bank in Sierra Leone.
  • Bid Form
  • Bid Security
  • Priced Bill of Quantities.
  • Drawings
  • A copy of a valid Business Registration Certificate
  • A copy of a valid National Revenue Authority (NRA) Tax Clearance Certificates or Its Equivalent for International Bidders
  • A copy of a valid National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT)Clearance Certificate or Its Equivalent for International Bidders
  • A copy of a valid Works Certificate from the Ministry of Works (Premier Class) or its Equivalent for International Bidders.
  • Work Program
  • Method Statement
  • The last consecutive three years Audited Financial Statements
  • Evidence of similar work done in the last five years.
  • Comprehensive list of construction equipment with evidence of ownership or rentage from a reputable company/institution
  • List of key relevant personnel with evidence of qualification and experience
  • Eligibility and Qualification form (see attached)
  • Signed Integrity Pact Form (see attached)
  • Signed Site visit form

A site visit MUSTbe done before bid submission and evidence (form to be sign off by the Estate Manager) of which must be submitted for evaluation purposes.

There will be a Pre – Bid Meeting with Contractors to be held on the 10th November 2021 at The Training Room, 5th Floor, 18 Wellington Street, Freetown, 11:00am.

Bids will be publicly opened on Wednesday 24thNovember 2021at 11:30am in the presence of Bidders or their representatives who choose to attend, at The Training Room, 5th Floor, National Revenue Authority, 18 Wellington Street, Freetown.Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened to bidders.

Procurement Unit

National Revenue Authority

4th Floor,18 Wellington Street,

Freetown, Sierra Leone





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