Monday, February 17, 2025
HomeLocal NewsHIV/AIDS under Review

HIV/AIDS under Review

Zainab Turay        

In 2019, only 37% of men and 64% of women living with HIV (15 years and older) knew their HIV status, and 30% and 58% respectively were on treatment. Only 16% of men and 33% of women were virally suppressed.

Sierra Leone has the lowest percentages across the 90-90-90 cascade for both men and women compared to the totals of WCA, as well as Cote d’ Ivoire and Niger.

The ART coverage of children in Sierra Leone increased in 2000-2018 from 5% to 17% Low ART coverage among children in Sierra Leone is due to a combination of poor access to diagnosis and treatment services for children (specifically PMTCT and early infant diagnosis (EID) services) and poor retention on ART.

Stigma in community and health services gaps in the HIV response (No targeted HIV response for MSMs), lack of MSM involvement in policies, limited access and availability of services. Stigma attitudes and practices in health services life condition (poverty, homelessness).discriminatory practices in health services fear (afraid of going to the hospital) lack of family support. Availability of service masculinities and health-seeking behaviours exclusion of men in the current HIV service approach.

“Persons with disabilities are more likely to be vulnerable to HIV and if women are reported to be more infected, then women with disabilities could be even more seriously affected.”  Most of the time, society blames disabled persons even when the issue at hand may not be of their making.  Programmes like HIV should have a specific focus on disability issues and those with special needs so that they too can benefit from the HIV response.

HIV is mainstreamed into national strategies on the elimination of GBV and all forms of violence against women that includes HIV transmission. The enforcement of the GV laws includes court injunctions for the safety and security of survivors; protection services for survivors of domestic violence, such as legal services or shelters; and services for the person perpetrating violence. First-line support emergency contraception and post-exposure prophylaxis services are provided for survivors.

The 2012 National Referral Protocol on GBV, Pathways to Service Provision for victims of GBV, represents a compact between implementing partners to forge a coordinated response to all forms of GBV. Rape, is illegal in Sierra Leone and punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Nevertheless, rape is common and indictments are rare. Domestic violence is illegal and punishable by a fine of up to five million Leones ($943) and up to two years in prison. Yet, domestic violence is common.    



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