Monday, February 10, 2025


Njala University wishes to inform prospective applicants and the general public that it will open the online applications on Friday 23rdJuly 2021 for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Courses tenable at Njala University for the 2021/2022 academic year


All prospective applicants wishing to gain admission into Njala University MUST obtain application PINS at the Sierra Leone Commercial Bank in Freetown or any of their branches in the regions at the cost of Le 300,000 for Undergraduate and Le 500,000 for Postgraduate Courses respectively in lieu of application processing fee.

Applicants are strongly advised to visit Njala University website for details of the entry requirements into the various Programmes offered the Schools and Departments.

All prospective applicants MUST apply ONLINE through the Njala University website:

The DEADINE for submission of applications is Friday 27th August 2021.

Dr Muneer Jalloh (PhD)


Njala University

General Admission Requirements for Undergraduate Programmes

  1. Undergraduate / Degree Programmes
  2. The University’s requirements for the Degree Programme are five (5) Credits GCE ‘O’ Levels /WASSCE including English Language in not more than two sittings. In the case of the West African Examination Council Exams, only grades varying from 1-6 are recognized as GCE ‘O’ Levels Credit passes. For WASSCE it is A1 – C6 while for the Associate Examinations Board (London GCE) only C or better is recognized.
  3. Applicants should note that there are additional departmental requirements.
  4. Also note that some schools start their Honours programme in the 3rd Year. Students are admitted into the General programmes and have to score 3.60 and above before they can enter the Honours Programme.
  • Four (4) WASSCE/GCE Credits including English Language will be considered for admission into the Higher Diploma Programme.
  • For Community Health Officers (CHO) (Only CHAswith 5-year working experience can apply);
  • Three (3) WASSCE/GCE Credits including English Language will be considered for admission into the Ordinary Diploma Programme.
  • Please note that admission into SRN and CHO programmes requires Five(5) Credit GCE’O’ Levels/WASSCE including English Language in not more than two sittings.


General Admission Requirements for Graduate Programmes


  1. Taught Masters Programmes

The basic requirement for admission into a postgraduate programme of Njala University is a degree from a recognized university in the relevant field of study. Departments may, however, demand additional requirements.

  • M.Phil and PhD Programmes

The Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees of Njala University are, essentially, research-based degrees awarded to candidates of outstanding academic and professional standing. Admission into these programmes, therefore, is based on the number of criteria that candidate should meet. These include (but not limited to) the following:

  1. Possession of a first degree of at least 2nd class/division
  2. Possession of postgraduate qualification  (PGDE; M.A.; M.Sc.; M.Ed. etc.)
  3. Clear articulation of a research focus to be contained in the Abstract submitted with the application form
  4. Evidence that the candidate is in touch with or has identified a competent supervisor in the University willing to supervise him/her is an advantage.

Duration of Programme


Unless otherwise stated,

  • Masters Programmes (Full-Time) are of Two (2) Calendar Years and (Part-Time) Three (3) Calendar Years duration.
  • PhD Programmes (Full-Time) are of Three (3) Calendar Years and (Part-Time) are of Four (4) Calendar Years duration.


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