Tuesday, January 21, 2025
HomeLocal NewsWIMSAL Clocks 14 Years

WIMSAL Clocks 14 Years

Statement By President of WIMSAL, Femi Coker

Let me start by saying thank you God for bringing us thus far.

I also say thank you to members of Women in the Media Sierra Leone (WIMSAL) for the opportunity you gave me to serve you as President.

WIMSAL was formed on 20th November, 2007 by a small group of female journalists seeking to pursuing the agenda of equality and empowerment of women in the media in Sierra Leone.

It all started at the Iranian Embassy here in Freetown when Ambassador Sofular suggested the need for female journalists to organise.

14 years gone by our membership has grown from a small group to more than 200 members across the country (including the Diaspora), and with regional offices.

Female journalists are now making a mark in the industry. I salute all female journalists who have worked very hard over the years to assume leadership positions within the media industry, including elective and appointment positions. We are proud that we now have female media owners as well.

The course of advancing the interests of women in the media is an ongoing endeavour and it is a task every elected WIMSAL Executive will be charged with. Those before us have played their part. We are also doing our best to build on the foundation they laid. Those who will succeed us will continue from where we will leave our organization.

There is no worthy course without challenges. They will always be with us in a bid to bring the best out of us to overcome them.

So we have every reason to celebrate and thank God for keeping us together despite these challenges. Our SISTERHOOD has indeed been our STRENGTH.  A true WIMSALian will never run away from challenges or problems. We are trained to confront problems with confidence and determination. We will disagree, we will quarrel, we will keep malice…but the sisterhood in us will never make us enemies, and so we will laugh over our excesses and iniquities. For we are WIMSAL!

So as we observe our 14th birthday I urge all female Journalists to stay untied as one body to advocate for the course of women and girls in Sierra Leone and even beyond.

Let me also remember those of our colleagues who have gracefully left us for the Great Beyond. May their souls continue to rest in peace.

Finally, let me also thank all those who have supported us over the years, including our male colleagues who treat us with respect, and accord us every opportunity to grow and excell, and above all work together as colleagues in the media profession.

Long live WIMSAL!

Long live our parent body SLAJ!

Long live Sierra Leone!



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